Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Physical Therapy at Home

Several times we have mentioned on the blog that we do some physical therapy at home. A lot of that includes massaging Abby's left leg, then pushing her knee down to stretch the ligaments and turning her foot into an upright position. We try to make it fun and count to 10 and then cheer and clap for her. She thinks it's a game, so that works out great for all involved.

Recently Mrs. Cheryl gave us some new equipment to add to our regimen at home. We now have a leg brace that holds Abby's leg straight and makes it weight-bearing so she can stand up in her "jumparoo" while she watches a DVD.

And here is Abby standing on her little stepstool. We do this for just 20 minutes a day because it is so physically strenuous for her. Mrs. Cheryl has to continually remind us that this is equivalent to an out-of-shape person doing an advanced aerobic workout, as Abby has never used her hip and leg muscles until after her surgeries.

Yeaaaaah! We're still smiling!

Mama cheering Abby on while she works out those new muscles she's acquiring!

We love you, our brave, sweet little girl!


Pam said...

Looking good Abby! Have a wonderful Christmas!


Rudy Leffler said...

Merry Christmas Abby and family! :)