Sunday, December 27, 2009

Today is a special day because my Maw-Maw went to physical therapy with me. She heard that I was having a difficult time adjusting to the E-Stim (Electrical Stimulation) and decided to make my day all better.

Maw-Maw is counting down for me...only 2 more reps to go. I have to do 20 reps per leg of EACH exercise! And recently a few extra exercises have been added to my regimen.

Maw-Maw is singing a song to help me out and make me forget the struggle I am having working out all of these muscles.

Yeaaaa! Time for applause because I did all my reps!

This is the part I am still uncomfortable with and I still want to cry sometimes. Having electricity running through my legs is a very funny feeling.

Now for the hardest part. I have to walk without the top part of my braces and my little legs are so weak they bow out like a cowboy. It is scary, especially with my left leg being paralyzed and I only have feeling in my glut muscles.

Thank you, Maw-Maw, for making my day so it's time to go to Starbucks (Abby calls it "Bucks") and get my Cafe Mocha! But don't worry. My mommy always orders decaf:0)

The biggest accomplishment today???? I got through my entire therapy session with NO TEARS!! What a blessing to have a Maw-Maw who cares enough to take this special time with me! I love you, Maw-Maw!

1 comment:

Carla Carter said...

How sweet... What are maw maws for?? Grandchildren are wonderful.. I know Abby's mawmaw enjoyed spending the day with her and helping her... and glad you have the pictures to show.